Lotteries 2023: fast online games with withdrawal of winnings

Top-3 lottery from the chair: circulation archive, rules of the game, player reviews

What to do, if you win the Top 3 lottery

Here are some steps, what you should do, if you become the lucky winner of a prize in the Top 3 lottery:

  1. Check your ticket several times: Before opening the champagne and sharing the news with others, make sure, that your ticket is really a winner. Check the numbers on the lottery results ticket on the official website or at the ticket sales point.
  2. Keep your ticket in a safe place: Выигрышный билет — это ваш доказательство права на получение выигрыша. Обязательно сохраните его в безопасном месте, чтобы избежать его потери или повреждения.
  3. Ознакомьтесь с правилами получения выигрыша: У каждой лотереи могут быть свои правила и требования для получения выигрыша. Ознакомьтесь с этой информацией на официальном сайте лотереи или обратитесь в место продажи билетов.
  4. Заберите выигрыш лично или через представителя: В зависимости от правил лотереи, у вас может быть возможность забрать выигрыш самостоятельно или через представителя. Если вы выбираете вариант с представителем, обязательно установите доверенность, чтобы ваш представитель мог получить выигрыш от вашего имени.
  5. Определите, как получить выигрыш: Лотерея Топ-3 может предлагать разные способы получения выигрыша, For example, cash or bank transfer. Choose the most convenient and safest method for you.
  6. Contact the official payment point: Для получения выигрыша вам придется обратиться в официальный пункт выплат лотереи. Узнайте его адрес и рабочие часы заранее, чтобы избежать лишних хлопот.
  7. Не забудьте уплатить налоги: Некоторые страны взимают налоги с лотерейных выигрышей. find out, какие налоги вам необходимо уплатить и своевременно выполните эту обязанность, чтобы избежать неприятных последствий.

Выигрыш в лотерее Топ-3 может изменить вашу жизнь. Следуйте этим рекомендациям, чтобы получить свой выигрыш и насладиться новыми возможностями, которые он предоставит.

How to play?

The drawing is held in two rounds.

In the first round, the winning combination is formed from a random sequence 9 numbers, from 0 to 9 inclusive. Это розыгрыш по номеру вашего билета. If the ticket number contains less than 9 numbers, then the missing numbers are considered to be on the left and equal to zero. For example, your ticket number - 97. You won, if you get a combination 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 7. The winning combination is formed from left to right. First round prize - super prize. A ticket, winner in the first round, participates in the second round draw.

In the second round, three numbers are drawn ranging from 0 to 9. Bets win, where depending on the chosen method of play, one thing coincided, two or three numbers and the order in which they appear. Ways to play - 8.

"Exact Order 3". You need to guess three numbers in that order, which you indicated on the receipt. For example, you chose the numbers 3-7-9. You won, if in the draw the same numbers came out in exactly the same order: 3-7-9.

"Any Order 3". You need to guess three numbers of the winning combination. The order in which they appear is not important.. For example, you marked three numbers: 3-7-9. Combinations will be winning for you: 3-7-9, 3-9-7, 9-3-7, 9-7-3, 7-3-9, 7-9-3.

With the "Any Order 3" method of play, you can also choose two identical numbers and one unique. For example, 3-3-9. You win, if the numbers come up 3-3-9, 3-9-3 or 9-3-3.

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«Точный порядок 3 + Any order. This method of play combines the previous two. Three numbers must be noted on the receipt. If your chosen numbers appear in the draw, you win. Your winnings depend on the order, which number came out.

The amount of winnings is also affected by, what numbers did you choose?: three different (For example, 3-7-9) or two identical and one unique (For example, 3-3-9).

How does this way of playing differ from previous ones?? For the same bet value, the chances of winning are higher.

"Any Order 2". You must mark any two numbers in two columns. You win, if these numbers appear in the specified columns. The order in which the numbers are drawn does not affect your winnings.

"The first 2 numbers". Выберите любые два числа в первых двух столбцах игрового поля. You won, if the first 2 the numbers of the winning combination coincided with those you specified in the same order.

"Last 2 numbers". Choose any two numbers in the last two columns of the playing field. You won, if the latter 2 the numbers of the winning combination coincided with those you specified in the same order.

«Exactly 1». Bet on one number in any column of the playing field. You won, if you guessed the number and its location.

"Combo". Expanded bet on several combinations. You can choose a combination of three different numbers or two identical and one unique number. For example, 3-7-9 or 3-3-9.

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You won, if the numbers you chose appear in any order. In this case, your winnings will be the same, as with the "Exact Order 3" method of play.

Why is this bet expanded?? Making one Combo bet, you get three combinations at once in the “Exact Order 3” category, if you chose two identical and one unique number (For example, 3-3-9), and six combinations - if you marked three different numbers (For example, 3-7-9).

Method of play Probability Example of marked numbers You win, if the numbers come up
Exact order 3 1:1000 3 7 9 3 7 9
Any order 3 2 identical numbers 1:333 3 3 9 3 3 9, 3 9 3, 9 3 3
Any order 3 3 different numbers 1:167 3 7 9 3 7 9, 3 9 7, 9 3 7, 9 7 3, 7 3 9, 7 9 3
Exact order 3 + Any order 3 2 identical numbers 1:333 3 3 9 3 3 9 3 9 3, 9 3 3
Exact order 3 + Any order 3 3 different numbers 1:167 3 7 9 3 7 9 3 9 7, 9 3 7, 9 7 3, 7 3 9, 7 9 3
Any order 2 1:50 3 — 7 3 H 7, 7 H 3 X - any number from 0 to 9
First 2 numbers 1:100 3 7 — 3 7 X X - any number from 0 to 9
Latest 2 numbers 1:100 — 7 9 H 7 9 X - any number from 0 to 9
Exactly 1 in the specified column 1:10 — — 3 X X 3 X - any number from 0 to 9
Combo2 identical numbers 1:333 3 3 9 3 3 9, 3 9 3, 9 3 3
Combo3 different numbers 1:167 3 7 9 3 7 9, 3 9 7, 9 3 7, 9 7 3, 7 3 9, 7 9 3

The minimum bet will cost you 30 rubles.

Тиражи лотереи проводятся ежедневно каждые 15 minutes (with 03:00 to 06:00 Moscow time - technical break).

You can take part in several draws at once (maximum — 30 circulation). To do this, select the required number of circulations in the appropriate column.

All or Nothing Lottery: secrets of success

Лотерея Все или Ничего — это уникальная лотерейная игра, в которой игроки могут выиграть крупные денежные призы, угадав все или ни одного из выпавших чисел. В отличие от других лотерей, здесь нет промежуточных призовых категорий. Или вы угадываете все, или ничего не выигрываете. Но какие комбинации чисел являются самыми выигрышными? В этой статье мы расскажем вам о некоторых секретах успеха в лотерее Все или Ничего.

1. Use random numbers

Многие игроки предпочитают использовать особые комбинации чисел, такие как даты рождения или числа, которые им кажутся особенно удачными. Однако лучшим способом увеличить свои шансы на выигрыш является использование случайных чисел. Thus, вы уменьшаете вероятность попадания в комбинации, которые другие игроки могут выбирать.

2. Играйте больше раз

Как в любой лотерее, чем больше билетов вы приобретаете, тем выше ваши шансы на выигрыш. Если вам не повезло с первым билетом, не сдавайтесь — попробуйте еще раз. Чем больше времени и денег вы вкладываете в игру, тем больше вероятность, что вы выиграете.


Обратите внимание на статистику. Просмотрите предыдущие результаты розыгрышей Все или Ничего и обратите внимание на частоту выпадения определенных чисел

Это может помочь вам определить самые часто встречающиеся числа и учесть их при выборе своей комбинации. But remember, that the lottery is a game of chance, и результаты предыдущих розыгрышей не влияют на будущие

Просмотрите предыдущие результаты розыгрышей Все или Ничего и обратите внимание на частоту выпадения определенных чисел. Это может помочь вам определить самые часто встречающиеся числа и учесть их при выборе своей комбинации

But remember, that the lottery is a game of chance, и результаты предыдущих розыгрышей не влияют на будущие.

4. Избегайте популярных комбинаций

Если вы хотите максимизировать свои шансы на выигрыш, избегайте использования популярных комбинаций numbers. Eg, комбинация 1-2-3-4-5 or 7-14-21-28-35 может показаться логичной и легко запоминающейся, но многие игроки могут придти к такой же мысли. Если эти числа выпадут, вы будете вынуждены разделить призовой фонд с множеством других победителей. Используйте менее популярные комбинации, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на получение большего выигрыша.

5. Ознакомьтесь с правилами

Ознакомьтесь с правилами игры и условиями выплаты призов. Иногда в лотереях Все или Ничего предусмотрены дополнительные опции, такие как возможность выбрать дополнительное число или поставить дополнительные ставки, которые могут повысить ваши шансы на выигрыш. Будьте внимательны и воспользуйтесь всеми доступными вам возможностями для увеличения своих шансов на успех.

Игра в лотерею Все или Ничего всегда остается игрой случая, но следуя вышеперечисленным советам, вы можете увеличить свои шансы на выигрыш. And you remember, что игра должна быть для вас развлечением и несести минимальный финансовый риск. Удачи вам в следующем розыгрыше!

Video about the Gosloto TOP lottery 3

For the first time since the return of the TOP-3 lottery from reconstruction, компания Столото проведет circulation 35548 which will be distributive.

The accumulated amount was 1 755 025 rubles
and already in 22-55 will be distributed among all winners 35548 circulation. The first round prize of the next drawing will be no less than 3 million rubles.

In the distribution draw, the first round super prize will be added to the fixed prizes of the second round in the ratio ~ 8% to each category
. Winnings will be larger than in the regular draw.

You can check the TOP 3 ticket of draw No. 35548 immediately after the drawing by Stoloto, by ticket number, and according to the circulation table. The circulation table is located a little lower on this page..

Draw results no. 35548, 2 September 2016 V 20:55

Stand up 1


Game type Number of winners Winner's Pay, rub. Total winnings, rub.
Stand up 1
Exact order 3 1 145558 145 558
Combo 14 38255 535 570
Exactly 3 + Any 3 (T3+L3) (2 identical numbers)
Exactly 3 + Any 3 (T3+L3) (3 different numbers) 5 40612 203 060
Any order 3 (2 identical numbers)
Any order 3 (3 different numbers) 39 7964 310 596
Exactly 3 + Any 3 (L3) (2 identical numbers)
First 2 numbers 13 13001 169 013
Latest 2 numbers 2 68002 136 004
Exactly 3 + Any 3 (L3) (3 different numbers) 39 5464 213 096
Any order 2 60 3667 220 020
Exactly 1 351 671 235 521

Draw your attention to, that a forced drawing of a super prize will take place only if there is no winner in the first round. К наиболее популярным лотереям, distributed by Stoloto company, belongs by right to lottery Top 3

Those who like to take part in state sweepstakes, Group 3 attracts with simplicity of rules, frequent circulation, and of course, hope of receiving a super prize

К наиболее популярным лотереям, distributed by Stoloto company, belongs by right to lottery Top 3. Those who like to take part in state sweepstakes, Group 3 attracts with simplicity of rules, frequent circulation, and of course, hope of receiving a super prize.

Участвовать в розыгрышах лотереи Топ 3 Not only Russians have the right, but also residents of the CIS. Those interested can go to the company's website, read the terms and conditions, even practice and try your luck. Quite possible, what's on Top 3 Good luck awaits you!

Where can I buy a ticket?

You can buy a TOP-3 lotto ticket in different ways. The electronic version is sold on the official Stoloto website, as well as on intermediary services, working the same way, like Onlinebooths. Coupons are also available in the mobile applications of the Russian organizer.

Sales points

Everyone, who prefers paper versions, you need to contact the point of sale, which are located in places convenient for players:

  • at metro stations;
  • at large transport hubs;
  • in Baltbet offices;
  • at post offices and bank branches.

Self-service machines are installed in large settlements. They accept cash and bank cards. Besides, you can buy a ticket, by sending an SMS message to 9999, by entering the name of the lottery – “Top-3”.

Which lottery can you really win - what do the statistics say?

We considered this issue from the point of view of probability theory. But it is necessary to understand, that it works with a very large sample, about a million outcomes.

No company has ever carried out such a large number of circulations, therefore, it is more interesting to consider lotteries from a statistical point of view.


Sold under the Gosloto brand 4 state lotteries, we will look at the most popular - “5 out of 36”. Conducted daily 5 drawings, and the total number of circulations exceeded 8100.

The statistics are quite interesting:

  1. Number of participants. Participation in each drawing is from: 10000 to 20000 tickets. At the same time, the largest number of participants falls on evening draws.
  2. Amounts played. If we talk about circulation, in which there is no jackpot, then the payments range from 300 000 to 800 000 thousand rubles.
  3. Jackpot. On average, a super prize is awarded every hundredth draw. That is, every 20 days, another millionaire appears.

Russian lotto

One of the most popular and oldest lotteries in Russia. Draws are held once a week on Sundays.

The website provides the following statistics:

  1. Number of participants. Participation in the regular circulation includes: 2 500 000 to 3 500 000 tickets. In special, when remains 2 a barrel, from 7 000 000. The first of January 2018 a record was set: accepted more than 45 000 000 participants.
  2. Amounts played. On a normal day it plays out 100 000 000 — 120 000 000 rubles. For special editions the amount is doubled. The record belongs to the January circulation - 2 125 000 150 rubles.
  3. Barrels that have not fallen. Most often, numbers remain in the bag 83, 76, 78, 70, 37.

Chance of winning. This indicator depends on the numbers not drawn. There are no official statistics on the site. But through simple mathematical calculations the following result will be obtained: 4 keg — 20%, 3 — 30%, 2 — 40%.

Housing lottery

The name speaks for itself. All big prizes are real estate (country houses, cottages, apartments). The rules are exactly the same, as in “Russian Lotto”. Only instead of a bag of barrels a lottery drum is used. The circulation takes place once a week on Sunday.

The draw statistics look like this::

  1. Number of participants. It's below, than in the more popular “Russian Lotto”. For standard – up to a million, for special draws - up to 2,5 millions.
  2. Amounts played. In the standard edition, up to 80 million rubles. The record belongs to the January special edition, during which they played more 310 000 000 rubles.
  3. Non-dropping balls. Balls with numbers are the least likely to take part in the game. 18, 72, 11, 70, 37.

Golden Key

Formerly one of the most popular representatives, and the main competitor of Russian Lotto. IN 2015 ceased to exist in the year, for unknown reasons. We wanted to compare the statistics of the “Golden Key” with existing analogues, but there is no information.

The only thing, what we managed to find is a loud mention of, what has been played out during its existence 2000 prizes worth more than 1 million each.


Sportloto is the oldest representative on this list. Draws are held every 15 minutes. Sportloto does not boast of large amounts paid out. The maximum possible amount is 10 000 000 rubles. Biggest win, found by me in the archive - 63 000 rubles.

Secrets of composing combinations in the TOP-3 lottery

Lottery TOP-3 is a game, in which participants are asked to choose three numbers from a range from 0 to 9. Guessing the combination correctly, the player receives a cash prize. Вероятность выигрыша в данной лотерее зависит от правильного выбора комбинации чисел.

Compiling a combination in the TOP-3 is based on the use of various strategies and methods of mathematical statistics. Let's look at some secrets, which will help increase the likelihood of winning.

1. Frequency method

This method is based on an analysis of the frequency of numbers appearing in past draws. To do this, you need to study the statistics of past circulations and identify the most frequently occurring numbers. Then make a combination, including these numbers. This approach can increase the likelihood of winning.

2. Stratified method

The stratified method involves dividing numbers into groups and selecting one number from each group. For example, you can divide numbers into groups by parity and choose one number from each group (For example, one group will contain only even numbers, the other - only odd ones). Этот подход позволяет равномерно распределить числа в комбинации.

3. Метод случайного выбора

The random selection method is the simplest and most unsystematic approach to making a combination.. Here the player chooses numbers in free form, relying on luck and chance. Although the probability of winning using this method is slightly lower, but here it is impossible to foresee exactly that combination, which will bring winnings.

4. Joint method

The joint method involves combining two or more strategies from the above. For example, you can first use the frequency method to identify the most common numbers, and then apply a stratified method to select numbers from different groups. This approach can increase the probability of winning and help you create the most optimal combination..

Whatever strategy you choose, remember, that there is always an element of chance in the lottery. Even the most thoughtful and verified combinations do not guarantee 100% winning

Therefore, it is important to play responsibly, don't spend more on the game, than you can afford, and don't rely only on winning

Stories of Top 3 lottery winners

The Top 3 lottery has been delighting its participants for many years with the opportunity to win large sums of money.. Draws are held monthly, in which thousands of people from all over the country participate. Here are some winning stories, whose lives have been radically changed by winning this lottery.

Ivan Petrov

Ivan Petrov from Moscow has played the Top 3 lottery for many years, but only in September 2023 years his luck smiled. He purchased several lottery tickets and one of them turned out to be a winner.. Ivan won an amount of 1 000 000 rubles, which became real happiness for him. With this money, Ivan decided to buy an apartment and fulfill his old dream - to open his own business. Now he owns his own restaurant and enjoys every day of his new life.

Anna Smirnova

Anna Smirnova from St. Petersburg is also one of the lucky winners of the Top 3 lottery. Her winnings amounted to 500 000 rubles. Anna decided to invest money in the education of her children. She paid for her eldest son’s education at a prestigious university and helped her youngest daughter fulfill her dream of going on an exchange to another country.. Thanks to the winnings, Anna was able to provide a better future for her children and is happy about it, that they can realize their potential.

Aleksey Ivanov

Alexey Ivanov from the city of Yekaterinburg was surprised to learn that, что выиграл в лотерею Топ-3 сумму в 2 000 000 rubles. It was a real shock for him, because he did not expect such luck. Alexey decided to use the money for a family trip around the world. He and his family were able to visit many countries, get to know different cultures and enjoy beautiful views. The whole world opened up for Alexey and his family thanks to winning the lottery.

These are just a few winning stories, who were able to change their lives thanks to a successful win in the Top 3 lottery. If you dream of a change in your life, then try your luck in the next draw and maybe, вы станете следующим счастливчиком, чья история будет рассказана всему миру!

How to use winning money from Top 3

Если вы оказались счастливым обладателем выигрышного билета в лотерее Топ-3, then you are definitely lucky! After all, this means, that you have additional funds, which you can use at your discretion. What can you do with your winnings?? There are many options, и выбор зависит только от ваших желаний и потребностей.

Вот несколько способов, как использовать выигрышные деньги из Топ-3:

Погасить долги: Если у вас есть непогашенные кредиты, debts or other debts, using winning money to pay them off may be a smart decision. This will allow you to get rid of financial obligations and save on interest on loans.
Invest: If you want to multiply your funds, можно рассмотреть варианты инвестирования

При этом важно выбрать надежные инструменты, провести анализ рисков и проконсультироваться с финансовым специалистом. Путешествовать: Если вам хочется побаловать себя и отдохнуть, выигрышные деньги можно потратить на путешествие

Выберите место, которое давно хотели посетить, и насладитесь отдыхом и новыми впечатлениями.
Приобрести желаемое: Выигрыш в лотерее – хороший повод, чтобы себя побаловать. Если у вас есть давние желания или мечты, которые требуют финансовых вложений, вы можете использовать выигрышные деньги для их осуществления.

Do not forget, что использование выигрышных денег должно основываться на здравом рассуждении и учете ваших финансовых целей. Постарайтесь не тратить все деньги сразу, а разумно распределить их, чтобы долго наслаждаться выигрышем.

Practical recommendations for playing the lottery Top 3: real success stories

Lottery Top 3 is one of the most popular and profitable lotteries in our country. Over the many years of existence of this lottery, many success stories have been accumulated, when people were able to win significant amounts of money. Below are some real success stories, as well as practical recommendations, based on the experience of the winners.

  1. Success story #1

    One day, a young family from a small town managed to win a large sum in the Top lottery 3. They've been playing this lottery for years, choosing the same numbers every time. And so, one day their persistence was rewarded - they guessed all three numbers and won the main prize - several million rubles.

  2. Success story #2

    Another Top winner 3 told, that he used a number selection strategy, based on analysis of statistics of previous draws. He noticed, that some numbers occur more often than others, and decided to choose them. Благодаря этой стратегии, он несколько раз выиграл вторые и третьи призы, суммарно получив несколько десятков тысяч рублей.

  3. История успеха №3

    Один из победителей Топ 3 поделился своим секретом успеха – он играл в лотерею только по выходным дням. По его словам, в эти дни у него было больше времени на тщательный выбор чисел и анализ предыдущих розыгрышей. Thanks to this approach, he also hit the numbers multiple times and won small amounts.

These success stories demonstrate, what to win in the Top lottery 3 possible and does not require special skills or knowledge. However, there are several practical recommendations, which can increase your chances of winning:

  1. Выбирайте свои счастливые числа и придерживайтесь их. Определитесь с числами, which you will play in every draw and do not change them. The likelihood that, what exactly your numbers will come up, may be quite high.

  2. Study statistics of previous Top draws 3. Analyze and determine, which numbers came up more often than others. Maybe, these numbers have a high probability of appearing and playing with them, you will increase your chances of winning.

  3. Play regularly. The more times you enter the drawing, the higher the probability of winning. Don't forget to buy tickets and follow the drawings, чтобы не пропустить свою возможность выиграть крупный приз.

In conclusion, хотелось бы отметить, что игра в лотерею Топ 3 - it's not just a way to have fun, but also a chance to win a large sum of money. Follow the recommendations and don't be afraid to try different strategies. Who knows, maybe a success story is waiting for you too!

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