Choose your luck: the best lottery in Chelyabinsk for the lucky ones!

Lottery "the chair" - exposing deception, participant reviews

Why there is no point in buying lottery tickets

Do I need to participate in lotteries?? Everyone makes this decision on their own.. If a person occasionally acquires 1-2 coupon for entertainment - it will not cause significant damage to his wallet. However, persistent purchases of packs of tickets can hardly be called a good investment.. Practice calls, that you shouldn’t hope for a serious win - the percentage of the probability of winning is too low.

The Stoloto trading house positions itself as a state lottery operator. People subconsciously trust the name and consider the pranks to be fair. In reality it all comes down to this, what a private company contributes to the budget 5% from revenue, taking everything for yourself, what is left after the prizes are paid?.

Although the Ministry of Finance issues a license for this type of activity, there is no control over the fairness and transparency of drawings and payments. Check, What part of the proceeds goes to prizes is difficult. Situations have been described more than once in the media, when the winners did not receive their money or gifts under various pretexts.

Low chances of winning are confirmed by mathematics, statistics and probability theory. Many people have been buying tickets for years, hoping to "hit the jackpot" someday. As a result, their spending far exceeds their winnings.. But no one gets the desired jackpot.

How to attract players to Stoloto

In February 2020 years on the site article published, where the Stoloto company revealed its methods of “monitoring” players and attracting new participants

All available information is collected about each person - personal data, sites visited and purchases made. Based on the data obtained, the idea of ​​participating in the lottery is firmly imposed on the person.:

  1. A series of articles was published, where Stoloto admitted to using personal data, that people left on other resources.
  2. Custom articles are published on third-party sites, where all accusations against the operator are refuted.
  3. Massive spam mailings are carried out to the e-mails of Internet users.

The organizers talk openly, that phone numbers of game participants are used as client identifiers. All purchases are tracked using them, average bill, preferences in foods and other goods.

The question arises, where does the information come from and who gave the lottery operator the right to collect personal information about its customers.

All participants of the Stoloto lottery are divided into beginners, experienced and VIP players. Separate advertising and different offers are developed for each category. For example, a car was raffled off among the VIP category participants. Other users were not allowed to participate in this circulation.. Supposed, that after this everyone will want to become the “chosen one” and will buy expensive tickets in large quantities. In reality, there is discrimination against participants.

A rather aggressive treatment scheme has been developed for low-active clients.. They are actively encouraged to confirm their email address, offer a promotional code or free ticket in exchange for registration.

Readers were outraged by the content of the article and left a lot of negative comments.

People were unhappy, that they are being watched, bombarded with spam and forced to make unnecessary purchases. Stoloto was called a legalized fraud and people were perplexed, Why can't their app be found on Google Play?. In response, the operator's employee stated, that this application is against Google rules.

What does winning come from??

A lot of lottery participants buy tickets in the hope of getting a super prize.. In the advertisement, the organizers promise to win a jackpot from several million to a billion rubles. The slogan looks even more attractive: "Every second one wins (third) a ticket!». Where does this money come from?. All these are means, proceeds from ticket sales. That is, actually, money from the participants themselves. Neither the state, neither private investors invest a single ruble in the prize fund.

No more than half of the money goes to paying prizes. This is directly written on the Stoloto website. .

Around 10% proceeds go to the state budget, the rest is the earnings of the operating company.

There is a general rule in all lotteries: the operator will receive profit immediately, as soon as a person buys a ticket. Whether the participant wins is a matter of probability theory. And even if you're lucky, victory will be achieved at the expense of less fortunate players.

What is the probability of winning and does it exist?

According to the operator's employees themselves, the probability of getting a significant win is
1: 45 795 673 964 460 800.

This is confirmed by mathematicians and the experience of avid lottery players.

In advertising, the lottery operator uses the slogan “Every second ticket wins.”!». In reality the situation looks like this: ticket price is from 25 to 150 rubles. Minimum winning amount – 100 rubles. According to statistics, more than half of the lottery prizes are for this amount. That is, having bought a ticket, At best, the participant will return the money spent, and maybe play at a loss.

This statistic is confirmed by many experienced players.. For example, for several years they bought tickets for 100 outside. rubles. The total winnings from them do not exceed 50 outside. rubles. Eventually - 50% loss.

As an example, one of the players looked at the Russian Lotto draw No. 1403:

  • Ticket price - 100 rubles;
  • shown during broadcast, that all the removed kegs won;
  • 2 100 632 people won by 100 rubles (they just returned what they spent);
  • 5 953 042 players received “prizes” for 50 rubles, that is, they remained “in the red”.

There is no section in the Law “On Lottery”, dedicated to electronic circulation. On the Stoloto website they are held almost every half hour. According to the operator, winning numbers are determined by a random number generator. However, independent researchers are confident, that there is no hope for the fairness of such a lottery. After all, reconfiguring the program as needed is not difficult.. Some experts compare online lotteries to the game of thimbles, popular in the 90s..

Tips for players - things to remember, buying a ticket

Psychologists remind, that playing the lottery is inherently gambling. Participants are warned against buying tickets en masse to avoid serious financial losses.. According to experts, as a result of a well-organized advertising campaign, an “availability cascade” is triggered. It happens, when a rare, unique event occurs and the media talk a lot about it. As a result, it begins to seem ordinary and accessible to people.

Of course, in the history of the lottery there have been cases of large winnings. But their probability is equal to millionths of a percent. And that doesn't mean, that any, who will buy the ticket, gets a chance to win.

You should not consider the lottery as a way to make money or solve your financial problems. As statistics show, the cost of purchasing tickets almost always turns out to be more than the winnings received. You can treat the lottery as entertainment, but you shouldn’t invest your last money in it in the hope of hitting the jackpot. If funds are spent on purchasing tickets, postponed for more important purposes, It's time to think about visiting a doctor or psychologist.

Brief overview of the Stoloto operator

"Stoloto" - brand, by which the largest Russian lottery operator is known. The full name of the company is Trading House “Stoloto”. She sells tickets through her own website on the Internet., as well as through points of sale and payment terminals. Stoloto’s partners are large retail chains and Russian Post.. You can buy lottery tickets throughout the country:

  • "Russian Lotto";
  • "Sportloto";
  • "Bingo";
  • "Keno";
  • "Housing" etc.. d – only about 20 items.

Brand logo – a figurine of a man, clutching a “lucky” ticket in his hand and jumping for joy.

registration on the site

What to take part in the draw, you can register a personal account on the website. To do this you need to provide a phone number, email address and create a password.

Rules of participation

The general rules for participating in the main lotteries are the same. The user must:

  1. Choose the type of lottery - with multimillion winnings, housing, instant, etc..
  2. Pay by any available method.
  3. Wait for the draw and check the results. If the lottery is instant, this can be done immediately.
  4. If the ticket is winning, receive prizes at a point of sale or lottery center.

You can find out the results on the operator’s website or at points of sale.

Where to buy tickets

A lottery participant can buy a paper coupon or an electronic ticket. There are several ways to do this:

  • Online;
  • at Stoloto kiosks;
  • in large retail chains – “svyaznoy”, "five", "megaphone" etc.;
  • in the offices of partners - Russian Post, Rostelecom, some banks and bookmakers;
  • in trading terminals;
  • via mobile application or SMS request.

Residents of the capital can buy a ticket and watch the drawing at the Stoloto lottery center.

How to find out the results

The results of instant lotteries can be found out immediately after purchase. Information about circulation varieties is available:

  • on the website and in the Stoloto mobile application;
  • in the operator’s telegram channel;
  • in offline sales points;
  • in the newspaper "AiF" and on the NTV channel.

On the operator’s website and on television you can see online broadcasts of the drawings.

How to get your winnings

If the prize amount is less 1 outside. rubles, You can get it at the point of sale, trading terminal or transfer to a wallet on the website. Winning up 1 million rubles are transferred to the winner’s bank account. To receive larger amounts, you will have to contact the lottery center in person..

Кому принадлежит бренд «Столото»

В декабре 2014 года указом Правительства РФ были запрещены все частные лотереи, проводить их может только государство. Право организовывать розыгрыши предоставлено Министерствам спорта и финансов. По официальной версии, операторов выбирали на конкурсной основе. На самом деле все они принадлежали одному человеку – предпринимателю Армену Саркисяну.

Фактически, он монополизировал лотерейный рынок.

По данным источника «Азбука компромата» (, вначале своей карьеры Армен Саркисян вместе с отцом и сестрой занимался продажей спиртных напитков. Их компанию «Водолей А» подозревали в сокрытии налогов.

По совету своего тестя, вице-мэра Москвы И. Орджоникидзе, Саркисян занялся лотерейным бизнесом:

  1. IN 2009 г приобрел пакет акций компании «Орглот» – одного из крупнейших лотерейных операторов.
  2. Вначале предприниматель был назначен на пост президента компании, затем постепенно «выдавил» из бизнеса остальных ведущих акционеров.
  3. IN 2012 г Саркисян создал «Торговый дом Столото» и передал ему все права на распространение государственных лотерей. Новая компания находилась по тому же адресу, что и «Орглот», но не имела долгов и судебных претензий.
  4. IN 2010 году у «Орглот» истек срок лицензии, и компания была признана банкротом. Новый договор с Минфином о распространении лотерей заключала компания «Неро», тоже принадлежащая Саркисяну.

( скрин6)

В течение нескольких лет Саркисян выкупил права на проведение лотерей у нескольких конкурентов и остался фактически монополистом в этой сфере.

После выхода Закона от 2014 Mr ( на рынке России осталось всего 17 лотерей из 3 outside. По официальной версии, выбор оператора проводился на конкурсной основе. Фактически же все права переданы компаниям, принадлежащим Саркисяну – «Спортлото» и «Государственные спортивные лотереи». В роли единственного в России распространителя стал выступать Торговый дом «Столото».

Thus, лотереи «Гослото» считаются государственными только номинально. Фактически они находятся в частных руках и монополизированы одним человеком.

Самые честные лотереи в России

Gosloto “6 из 45— это ежедневная российская лотерея. В ней призы разыгрываются каждые сутки с 11 утра до полуночи. Она работает следующим образом. Каждый участник должен указать 6 чисел в диапазоне от единицы до сорокапяти. Эти 6 чисел представляют собой одну выигрышную комбинацию. Такая обойдется в 100 rubles. При этом можно указать больше цифр, если заплатите сверх основной стоимости. Призовой фонд распределяется по следующему принципу:

  • They, кто угадала 2 числа — получают стоимость билета обратно.
  • They, who guessed 3 числа — получают 18 %.
  • 4 числа — получают 8 %.
  • 5 — 16 %.
  • 6 — 58 %.

Moreover, всем угадавшим 6 чисел полагается суперприз в размере 10 million rubles.

“Housing lottery” — в этой лотерее помимо денежных призов разыгрывают недвижимость. Actually, поэтому она пользуется большим спросом, чем аналоги. Один билет обойдется всего в 100 rubles. Структура билета следующая: на нем расположено два поля. В каждом по 15 numbers. Победит тот, у кого совпадет 10 цифр из обоих строк. Розыгрыши суперприза проходят на еженедельной основе. Каждые выходные.

“Bingo-75” — еще одна популярная лотерея, в которой есть сразу несколько вариантов заработать крупный приз. Как и в случае с другими лотереями стоимость билета составляет 100 rubles. Комбинации формируются автоматически, поэтому вам ничего не придется выбирать.

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“Russian lotto” — пожалуй, самая известная лотерея в России. Она проводится уже на протяжении 24 years. Каждый розыгрыш транслируется по воскресеньям в 2 часа дня. Минимальный выигрыш постоянно меняется. Максимальный суперприз также варьируется.

“KENO-Sportloto” — специфичная лотерея, в которой нужно указать от 1 to 10 numbers ranging from 1 to 80. При этом выиграть можно даже не указав ни одного правильного ответа. Суть в том, что существует 10 вариантов выигрыша. В четырех из них можно получить 50 rubles, даже не отгадав ни одного числа.

What they write on independent resources

On the Voronezh news portal published the story of a resident of the region. IN 2018 a woman won the lottery 506 million rubles. The Stoloto company promised to pay the prize after the New Year holidays. In the first months 2019 small amounts were deposited into the winner’s account. Then the payments stopped. A woman addressed a question to the lottery center, but I never received an answer.

Channel "Mediakiller" versus "Stoloto"

IN 2020 year, the telegram channel “Mediakiller” accused “Stoloto” of gross violations of the lottery rules. The project administrators suspected, that the winner of the prize in 1 billion rubles is associated with a trading house. In their opinion, it all looked like an advertising campaign. People, believed in the possibility of a miracle, must begin to actively buy tickets and bring profit to the operator. The Mediakiller channel has set a goal to debunk this myth and help Russians save their savings.

The head of the Stoloto PR service said in an interview with Sputnik radio, that the company plans to file a lawsuit to protect business reputation. In response, the Telegram channel stated:, that they are not afraid of litigation, because they only presented the facts. As a result, the lottery operator never filed a lawsuit.

The situation was discussed live and on the official website of Sputnik radio

Fraudulent results

Active netizens, owners of channels on YouTube and Yandex-Zen directly accuse Stoloto of rigging lottery results. The following facts are provided as evidence:

  1. Instead of a live broadcast, viewers are shown a recording, which is easy to install.
  2. When comparing recordings from different editions, many matching frames were found.
  3. Nobody wins super prizes for several years.

According to bloggers, lottery organizers are reconfiguring the program like this, how beneficial it is for them. The computer gives out number options, the probability of winning is minimal. These are the numbers that are shown to the audience.

Changes to jackpot rules

IN 2017-18 years. Participants of the Russian Lotto game hit the jackpot in a short period of time 4 times. Before this, no one had received the super prize for 8 years. After such a “fruitful” year, the Stoloto company urgently changed the procedure for drawing prizes.

The story of Nadezhda Bartosh – lottery billionaire exposed

In January 2020 during the New Year's broadcast, the winnings were announced 1 billion rubles. The lucky one was Nadezhda Bartosh, a resident of the Moscow region.. The story looked like a romantic New Year's fairy tale. According to Nadezhda, her daughter gave her the ticket for her birthday. ( chest of drawers 20)

Immediately after the information was released, many negative comments appeared online.. Users accused the organizers of dishonestly conducting the draw and money laundering under the guise of a lottery.

According to the RIA-Novosti news agency and the Mediakiller channel, Nadezhda Bartosh is associated with the Stoloto trading house and its owner Armen Sargsyan. A modest pensioner from the Moscow region turned out to be the owner of a large business. Her trading house "Tsarsky Sturgeon" sells fish, caviar and other valuable seafood.

Moscow lawyer A. Sergeev demanded to check this information. The lottery organizers categorically denied all accusations. According to their statement, the draw was carried out in compliance with all rules. According to the press service, Stoloto was preparing appeals to the court and the prosecutor’s office for protection from libel.

What types of lotteries are there in Russia??

There are many types of lotteries, but they fall into two main categories: lotteries with and without draw. Первый вариант подразумевает под собой общий призовой фонд, который разыгрывает в одно время между всеми людьми, купившими билет.

Второй вариант подразумевает наличие выигрыша, привязанного к билету. То есть узнать, победил ли ваш билет или нет, можно сразу после покупки. Обычно для этого просто стирают защитное покрытие, под которым находятся либо специальные символы либо просто словом написано “victory” or “поражение”.

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В последнее время организаторов «Столото» все чаще обвиняют в фальсификации результатов. Реклама оператора утверждает, что все розыгрыши проводятся онлайн в живом эфире. Однако игроки и независимые эксперты убеждены в обратном. Они прямо заявляют, что все трансляции по телевидению и на сайте — это заранее смонтированная запись.

Косвенным подтверждением обвинения стал тот факт, что телеканал НТВ набирает по объявлению массовку для записи тиража. Сотрудники телевидения подтвердили, что выпускают в эфир не прямую трансляцию, а заранее смонтированную запись.

Сами организаторы поначалу никак не реагировали на обвинения. Затем в сети стали появляться статьи о «независимых расследованиях». Их авторы утверждали, что оператору «Столото» нет смысла заниматься подделкой. Однако серьезных доводов против этого обвинения не привел никто. Высока вероятность, что эти статьи были заказаны Торговым домом «Столото».

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