Check ticket chair: how to find out the result by number, circulation and barcode

Проверка результатов жилищной лотереи по тиражу

Если вы хотите узнать, did you win the housing lottery, you will need to know the ticket number and the circulation number. Проверка результатов жилищной лотереи по тиражу производится очень просто и займет всего несколько минут. Вам понадобится доступ к интернету и устройство, которое поддерживает работу с веб-сайтами.

If you win, вам предстоит забрать свой выигрыш. Проверьте информацию о том, как и где можно получить свой выигрыш

Обратите внимание на сроки и документы, которые вам понадобятся для получения приза

Проверка результатов жилищной лотереи по тиражу позволяет вам оперативно узнать о ваших выигрышах. Используйте эту возможность, чтобы никогда не упустить свой шанс на желаемый приз!

Подготовка необходимых данных для проверки

Before, как приступить к проверке лотерейного билета, необходимо загрузить или получить следующие данные:

1. Номер билета
2. Номер тиража
3. Результаты тиража

Номер билета можно найти на самом билете. Обычно он состоит из нескольких цифр и может быть представлен в различных форматах, в зависимости от лотереи.

The draw number can be found on the official website of the lottery company or in a special printed publication, which is commercially available. Also, the circulation number may be indicated on the ticket itself..

Результаты тиража также можно найти на официальном сайте лотерейной компании или в специальных печатных изданиях. Они обычно представлены в виде таблицы, в которой указаны выигрышные номера и призовые комбинации.

После получения всех необходимых данных вы будете готовы приступить к проверке своего лотерейного билета на предмет выигрыша. Happy checking and good luck in the lottery!

Main aspects of the TOP-3 lottery

As it turned out, this type of lottery appeared thanks to horse racing. Then, Hippodrome fans indicated the horse's number on the ticket, which, in their opinion, will be first at the finish line. Now, the creators moved away somewhat from horse racing and created a circulation version, where the winnings are not determined by the number of the horse, and a number generator.

The essence of the game is simple: you need to guess 1, 2 or 3 numbers. There are eight ways to play.

Besides, there is also a raffle, which determines the winner by the number of the purchased ticket. Depending on, what scheme was chosen, the winning amount will vary.

If earlier, to try your luck, I had to go to the nearest newsstand, or a store, now the situation is much simpler

To play, just go to the Stoloto Top website 3(go over), or the official mobile application. Thanks to this, you will be able to play the top lottery 3 online, sitting at home in a cozy chair)))

You can watch the video instructions:

What to do in the first round?

By and large - nothing. Well, just hope for luck. After all, in the first round there is a draw based on the ticket number

Do you want to win 100 000 000 $?! Play the lottery with the biggest jackpot in the WORLD! →

Wherein, pay attention to your ticket: if it has less than nine digits (For example, 55555), then to win, you need such a winning combination - 000055555. The minimum guaranteed super prize is 200 outside. rub. It can accumulate and go to the second round

It can accumulate and go to the second round.

Second round

Everything is much more interesting here. How to win to the top 3 in the second round? Again just luck, I'm sorry, that I don't have a secret formula for success. So, you can test your intuition and luck in it, since the numbers are entered independently. There are several options for playing in the second round:

  • Exact order of three digits. The essence is to guess three numbers in that sequence, in which you noted on the ticket. I.e, if marked 1, 8, 4, then the winning combination will be 1-8-4. In this case, the probability of winning is 1:1000.
  • Any order of three digits. You indicate three positions (For example, 3 4 5). The winning combination will be 3-4-5, 3-5-4, 4-3-5, 4-5-3, 5-3-4, 5-4-3. in this case, you can choose two identical numbers (1-1-2). The chance of winning is 1 To 333. By the way, Interesting: election of two identical ones or one, but a unique number, will affect the winning amount.
  • Exact order + any order of three digits. Combination of the two previous options. Mark three numbers. At the same time, do not forget to study Gosloto Top 3 rules of the game. And here it is interesting, what if we compare this option with the two previous ones, double chance of winning (1:167).
  • Any order of two digits. Mark any two numbers in two columns. There will be victory in that case, if these values ​​appear in the indicated columns.
  • First two numbers. From the first two columns of numbers, select two numbers. To win, it is necessary that the same combination and the same order appear during the drawing..
  • Latest 2 numbers. Similar to the previous option. In this case, you need to select from the last two columns.
  • Exactly 1. Select one number in one of the digital columns. There will be a prize in that case, if the number and its location are accurately guessed.
  • Combo. This is a combined mode, in which you can make a choice on three different numbers or two identical and one unique.

I think everyone understands, that the “Exactly 1” option has the highest probability of receiving a prize.

Определение понятий: тираж и билет

Билет в лотерее — это специальный документ, который позволяет участвовать в розыгрыше призов. Обычно билеты имеют уникальный номер, который используется для определения выигрышей. Чтобы узнать результаты розыгрыша, нужно проверить номер своего билета в соответствующем тираже, который можно найти в официальных источниках лотереи или на их официальном веб-сайте.

Термин Определение
Circulation Определенный розыгрыш, при котором определяются победители и выплачиваются призы.
A ticket Специальный документ, который позволяет участвовать в розыгрыше призов и имеет уникальный номер.

Раздел 1: Подготовка

Теперь, когда у вас есть все необходимые данные, вы можете перейти к проверке своего билета по тиражной таблице. So, откройте таблицу результатов лото для тиража 1115. В этой таблице каждый билет имеет уникальный номер. При помощи этой таблицы вы сможете проверить, whether you won or not.

Номер билета Winning
1111 1 000 000 rubles
1112 0 rubles
1113 0 rubles
1114 0 rubles
1115 500 000 rubles

В данном примере мы нашли свой билет с номером 1111 в таблице и видим, what the gain is 1 000 000 rubles. Thus, we can say, that our ticket is winning.

On the Russian Lotto website you will find the necessary information about the draws and winning tables. To check your ticket, you will need to know the circulation number, where your ticket was purchased.

Перейдите на главную страницу сайта Русского лото и найдите раздел с текущими и прошедшими тиражами

Обратите внимание на номера тиражей, в которых проводились лотерейные розыгрыши. Найдите номер тиража, where your ticket was purchased

After that, как вы найдете соответствующий номер тиража, вам необходимо открыть соответствующую таблицу выигрышей. It will contain information about the winning numbers and prize amounts for each category.

Category Prize fund, ₽ Number of winners
1 1 000 000 1
2 100 000 10
3 10 000 100
4 1 000 1000
5 500 10000
6 100 100000
7 40 1000000

В таблице будут указаны номера выигрышных билетов и размеры призовых выплат для каждой категории выигрышей.

Сравните номер вашего билета с номерами, indicated in the winnings table for the corresponding draw. If your ticket number is present in the table and matches one of the winning numbers, то вы можете проверить сумму вашего выигрыша и процедуру его получения на официальном сайте Русского лото.

Step 2: Выберите раздел “Проверить билет”

After that, как вы приобрели билет русского лото, вам необходимо проверить его на выигрышность. Для этого вам понадобится тиражная таблица, в которой содержится информация о выигрышных номерах.

В открывшейся форме вам нужно будет ввести номер вашего билета, который обычно состоит из нескольких рядов цифр. Этот номер вы можете найти на вашем билете.

После ввода номера билета нажмите на кнопку “Проверить”. В течение нескольких секунд система осуществит проверку вашего билета по тиражной таблице.

If your ticket is a winner, you will be provided with information about the winning amount. If your ticket is not a winning one, the system will notify you about this.

Thus, thanks to the ability to check the ticket using the circulation table, вы можете узнать результат своей игры в русское лото и выиграть деньги!

Step 3: Введите номер тиража и номер билета

Чтобы проверить билет по тиражной таблице, вам необходимо:

  1. Знать номер тиража. For example, 1115.
  2. Know the ticket number, which one you want to check. For example, 1111.

Once you have this data, you need:

  1. Open the draw table for Russian lotto.
  2. In the table, find the line with the circulation number 1115.
  3. В этой строке найти столбец с номером билета 1111.
  4. В ячейке, пересекающейся строку и столбец, вы найдете результат проверки билета: выигрышную комбинацию или отсутствие выигрыша.

Thus, вводя номера тиража и билета в тиражную таблицу, вы сможете проверить результаты и узнать, был ли ваш билет выигрышным.

Consequences and possible problems if the circulation number and ticket number do not match

1. Inability to receive winnings

If the number on your ticket does not match the draw number, в котором проводится лотерея, то вы не сможете получить выигрыш. Номер тиража является ключевым элементом для определения победителей и оформления выплаты.

2. Утрата денежных средств

При покупке лотерейного билета, необходимо аккуратно проверять номер тиража и убедиться в его соответствии номеру на билете. Если номер не совпадает, вы можете просто потерять деньги, вложенные в билет.

3. Ощущение разочарования

Когда вы проверяете номер тиража и обнаруживаете, что он не совпадает с номером на вашем билете, это может вызвать разочарование. Вы можете чувствовать, что потратили время и деньги впустую, что может повлиять на ваше настроение и отношение к игре в целом.

4. Повышенная вероятность мошенничества

Несоответствие номера тиража и билета может стать предметом мошенничества. Некоторые недобросовестные продавцы могут использовать эту ситуацию, чтобы обмануть вас и забрать ваш выигрыш

Поэтому важно быть осторожным и проверять у продавца номер тиража перед покупкой билета

5. Потеря шанса на выигрыш

Несоответствие номера тиража и билета может привести к тому, that you will miss your chance to win. Even if you have the correct circulation number, but wrong ticket number, all your efforts may be in vain, и вы просто пропустите возможность стать обладателем призовой суммы или ценного подарка.

Чтобы избежать всех этих проблем, Always check the circulation and ticket number carefully before purchasing. Make sure, that the numbers match, and only after that purchase tickets. Be vigilant and careful, to avoid becoming a victim of scammers.

What to do, if you win the Top 3 lottery

Here are some steps, what you should do, if you become the lucky winner of a prize in the Top 3 lottery:

  1. Check your ticket several times: Before opening the champagne and sharing the news with others, make sure, that your ticket is really a winner. Проверьте номера на билете с результатами лотереи на официальном сайте или в месте продажи билетов.
  2. Сохраните билет в надежном месте: Выигрышный билет — это ваш доказательство права на получение выигрыша. Обязательно сохраните его в безопасном месте, чтобы избежать его потери или повреждения.
  3. Ознакомьтесь с правилами получения выигрыша: У каждой лотереи могут быть свои правила и требования для получения выигрыша. Ознакомьтесь с этой информацией на официальном сайте лотереи или обратитесь в место продажи билетов.
  4. Заберите выигрыш лично или через представителя: В зависимости от правил лотереи, у вас может быть возможность забрать выигрыш самостоятельно или через представителя. Если вы выбираете вариант с представителем, обязательно установите доверенность, чтобы ваш представитель мог получить выигрыш от вашего имени.
  5. Определите, как получить выигрыш: Лотерея Топ-3 может предлагать разные способы получения выигрыша, For example, cash or bank transfer. Choose the most convenient and safest method for you.
  6. Contact the official payment point: Для получения выигрыша вам придется обратиться в официальный пункт выплат лотереи. Узнайте его адрес и рабочие часы заранее, чтобы избежать лишних хлопот.
  7. Не забудьте уплатить налоги: Некоторые страны взимают налоги с лотерейных выигрышей. find out, какие налоги вам необходимо уплатить и своевременно выполните эту обязанность, чтобы избежать неприятных последствий.

Выигрыш в лотерее Топ-3 может изменить вашу жизнь. Следуйте этим рекомендациям, чтобы получить свой выигрыш и насладиться новыми возможностями, которые он предоставит.

Frequently asked questions about checking Stoloto tickets by barcode

Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions about, how to check Stoloto tickets by barcode:

Question: Answer:
How check Stoloto ticket by barcode? To check a Stoloto ticket using a barcode, you need to use a special verification service on the official lottery website. Для этого нужно ввести номер штрих-кода в соответствующее поле и нажать кнопку «Проверить». Система проанализирует данные и сообщит о выигрыше или его отсутствии.
Is it possible to check a Stoloto ticket using a barcode in the mobile application?? Yes, you can check your Stoloto ticket using the barcode in the mobile application. To do this you need to open the application, выбрать соответствующий раздел для проверки билета по штрих-коду, ввести номер штрих-кода и нажать кнопку «Проверить». Результат проверки будет отображен на экране устройства.
What to do, если штрих-код на билете Столото неразборчивый или поврежден? Если штрих-код на билете Столото неразборчивый или поврежден, It is recommended to contact the lottery organizers using the contact details provided.. They will be able to help you verify your ticket and provide additional information..
How to find out, what exactly does the barcode on a Stoloto ticket mean?? The barcode on the Stoloto ticket contains information about the ticket number, circulation, date of purchase and other data. It carries unique information, позволяющую идентифицировать билет. Проверка билета по штрих-коду позволяет установить его подлинность и выигрышность.

What mistakes should you avoid when participating in the Top 3?

Playing the Top 3 lottery can be exciting and potentially bring you big wins. However, to increase your chances of success, Some common mistakes to avoid. In this section we will look at, what mistakes should be avoided when participating in the Top 3.

  1. Don't check tickets

Players often forget or skip checking their tickets. They may miss the opportunity to win, if they don't check the results of the draw. Therefore, it is recommended to always check your tickets after each draw, so as not to miss your winnings.

Buy more tickets, what can you afford

Many players decide to increase their chances of winning, buying more tickets. However, should be remembered, that participation in the lottery should be reasonable and not lead to financial problems. It is recommended to play with moderate amounts and not take more risks, what can you afford.

Don't read the rules

Before participating in the Top 3 lottery, you must carefully read the rules of the game. Some players ignore or do not read the rules carefully enough, which may result in tickets being filled out incorrectly or winning combinations being incorrectly determined. Therefore, it is recommended to study the rules of the game before participating..

Play with unverified resources

When choosing a site to participate in the Top 3 lottery, you need to be careful. There are fraudulent resources, who may try to scam you out of your money or data. It is recommended to play only on proven and reliable resources, to avoid possible problems.

Don't manage your expectations

Lottery is a game of chance, and winnings are not guaranteed. You should not rely on the lottery as your main or only source of income.. It is recommended to manage your expectations and not count on big wins. Playing the lottery should be fun, not a way to solve financial problems.

Почему лотерея Топ-3 пользуется популярностью

  1. Простые правила игры: Участие в лотерее Топ-3 очень просто. Для того чтобы принять участие, необходимо выбрать три числа от 0 to 9. Если числа, which you have chosen, совпадают с выигрышными номерами в том же порядке, you become the winner of the main prize. Such simple rules attract people, having no experience in participating in lotteries.
  2. High chances of winning: В лотерее Топ-3 шансы на выигрыш сравнительно высоки. Вероятность угадать все три числа в правильном порядке составляет 1 To 1 000. При таких шансах многие игроки ощущают, что у них есть реальные возможности на выигрыш, что делает лотерею Топ-3 еще более привлекательной.
  3. Разнообразие призов: В лотерее Топ-3 предусмотрено несколько категорий выигрышей. In addition to the main prize, there are prizes for matching two or one number in the correct order. This allows players to receive winnings even if, if they didn't match all three numbers. Разнообразие призовых категорий делает участие в лотерее Топ-3 еще более привлекательным для игроков.
  4. Высокая степень надежности: Лотерея Топ-3 является официальной государственной лотереей, что гарантирует ее надежность и честность. Все розыгрыши проводятся под контролем независимых органов, which eliminates the possibility of manipulation and ensures fair play. The reliability of the Top 3 lottery is one of the factors, why is it so popular.

All these factors together make the Top 3 lottery attractive to a wide audience. Participation in it is fun and the opportunity to win cash prizes, which attracts many gambling enthusiasts.

SMS notification: safe and comfortable

To use SMS notifications, You must register your phone number on the official lottery website. After registering, you will be asked to sign up to receive notifications about draw results.

After successful registration, you will receive SMS notifications about winnings directly to your mobile phone. This allows you to always be aware of your winnings and receive winning amounts on time without wasting time..

SMS notifications are also a safe way to receive information about winnings. You don't have to worry about that, that someone will know about your winnings, since notifications only come to your registered phone number.

Thanks to SMS notifications, you can receive information about your winnings instantly. You don't have to check tickets manually or search for drawing results on the Internet. Just open the notification message and find out your winnings.

Don’t miss the opportunity to always be aware of your winnings and receive winning amounts on time - subscribe to SMS notifications and receive information about the results of draws directly to your mobile phone.

Video about the Gosloto TOP lottery 3

For the first time since the return of the TOP-3 lottery from reconstruction, Stoloto company will hold a circulation 35548 which will be distributive.

The accumulated amount was 1 755 025 rubles
and already in 22-55 will be distributed among all winners 35548 circulation. The first round prize of the next drawing will be no less than 3 million rubles.

In the distribution draw, the first round super prize will be added to the fixed prizes of the second round in the ratio ~ 8% to each category
. Winnings will be larger than in the regular draw.

You can check the TOP 3 ticket of draw No. 35548 immediately after the drawing by Stoloto, by ticket number, and according to the circulation table. The circulation table is located a little lower on this page..

Draw results no. 35548, 2 September 2016 V 20:55

Stand up 1


Game type Number of winners Winner's Pay, rub. Total winnings, rub.
Stand up 1
Exact order 3 1 145558 145 558
Combo 14 38255 535 570
Exactly 3 + Any 3 (T3+L3) (2 identical numbers)
Exactly 3 + Any 3 (T3+L3) (3 different numbers) 5 40612 203 060
Any order 3 (2 identical numbers)
Any order 3 (3 different numbers) 39 7964 310 596
Exactly 3 + Any 3 (L3) (2 identical numbers)
First 2 numbers 13 13001 169 013
Latest 2 numbers 2 68002 136 004
Exactly 3 + Any 3 (L3) (3 different numbers) 39 5464 213 096
Any order 2 60 3667 220 020
Exactly 1 351 671 235 521

Draw your attention to, that a forced drawing of a super prize will take place only if there is no winner in the first round. Greetings to all players 99862 draw of the TOP-3 lottery on our portal of all-Russian lottery results

On our website in 21:10 we will post the results 99862 circulation TOP-3,

by using them you can quickly check tickets from 15 August 2018 of the year. Check the ticket (tickets) by number will save you from having to study the rules of the game. All information will be provided by the organizer - the Stoloto lottery company

Greetings to all players 99862 draw of the TOP-3 lottery on our portal of all-Russian lottery results. On our website in 21:10 we will post the results 99862 circulation TOP-3,

by using them you can quickly check tickets from 15 August 2018 of the year. Check the ticket (tickets) by number will save you from having to study the rules of the game. All information will be provided by the organizer - the Stoloto lottery company.

You can check the TOP-3 ticket by ticket number 99862 circulation or by watching the video or the numbers on the receipt (knowledge of the rules of the game is required). In “TOP-3” a combination of three numbers is always formed using a random number generator, which is located on the territory of the Stoloto company. If all the numbers drawn match the numbers on your ticket and you choose the game “Exactly 3”, then you get 30 thousand rubles


Where to look for information about winning in Stoloto by ticket number and draw?

You can check your winnings by ticket number and Stoloto draw on the official lottery website. To do this you need:

  1. Open the Stoloto website. In the address bar of your browser, enter the address of the lottery website “”.
  2. On the main page of the Stoloto website, find the “Ticket check” section. It is usually located at the top of the page or in the main menu.
  3. In the “Ticket Check” section, enter the ticket number and circulation. The ticket number consists of 6 numbers, and the circulation number consists of 5 numbers. Both of these numbers can be found on the front of your ticket..
  4. Click the "Check" button. After this, the Stoloto system will check your ticket number and draw for winnings.

If you don't have internet access, you can check your winnings by ticket number and draw at official Stoloto lottery outlets or call the lottery organizers’ hotline.

Important to remember, that information about winnings in Stoloto should only be checked on the official lottery website or using official sources

Contacting a Russian Lotto ticket sales point

If you have no way to find out the circulation of a Russian Lotto ticket without a receipt, you can always contact your nearest point of sale.

The Russian Lotto ticket sales point is the official representative of the lottery and provides information on all draws held.

When you visit a point of sale, remember, that you will need to provide the following information:

  • Ticket number – unique identification number, which can be found on the ticket. If you can't find your ticket number, contact the Russian Lotto support service.
  • Draw date - please indicate, on what day was the draw held?, so that the operator can find information about the draw.
  • Other information - if you have any additional information, which can help the operator, tell him.

Before visiting a point of sale, It is recommended to call in advance and find out opening hours and availability of the necessary information, to avoid misunderstandings.

When you contact the point of sale, the operator will help you find out the circulation of the Russian Lotto ticket and provide you with information about the result of the drawing. He can also advise, как получить выигрыш, if your ticket was lucky.

Do not forget, that the point of sale is your official contact with Russian Lotto and is always ready to help you with any questions or problems, related to your ticket.

Online platforms for checking lottery numbers and results

The main functionality of such platforms includes:

  • Possibility to enter a ticket number and receive information about the corresponding draw and its results;
  • Providing detailed information about winnings and payout amounts, including prizes of various categories;
  • Possibility to apply for winnings, if there is one;
  • Notification of lottery results via email or SMS message.

Online platforms for checking draw numbers and lottery results offer their users a convenient and secure way to check tickets. The availability of the service and the ability to obtain information in real time make such platforms one of the most popular ways to find out lottery results and receive winnings.

Mobile application of Russian lotto

Russian lotto players have access to a convenient and functional mobile application, which allows you to easily and quickly check the circulation of a ticket without the need to have a physical copy of the receipt. The application is available for download on smartphones with iOS and Android operating systems.

Using the mobile application, players can:

  • Check winnings in current and past draws;
  • Find out the winning amount and the number of correctly guessed numbers;
  • Get information about upcoming games, date and time;
  • Find out about ticket prices and the possibility of purchasing online;
  • View the results of previous draws in the archive.

The Russian Lotto mobile application allows players to check tickets in real time, whether while at home, at work or on the go. It also alerts you about upcoming draws and keeps track of current results..

To use the application, you must download it from the official app stores App Store or Google Play. After installation, you can create an account, which will allow you to save information about tickets and winnings. The app also offers notification settings, so that players do not miss important information about draws and prize games.

The Russian Lotto mobile application is a convenient tool for players, which allows you to quickly receive information about results and winnings, and also purchase tickets, without leaving your smartphone. It helps save time and makes gaming easier.

How to check a ticket

You bought a lottery ticket, the draw has already taken place, and it's time to find out, whether he won or not. Let's talk, where and how can you check a lottery ticket?.

I bought my ticket online

If you bought a ticket on the Stoloto website or mobile application, just go to your personal account. You will immediately see, did your ticket win. And the winning amount, if you're lucky. By the way, when winning from 15 000 rubles you will also receive an SMS notification to your phone number, linked to personal account.

Check online ticket

I bought a ticket at the supermarket

If you bought your ticket offline, but when purchasing they gave me a phone number, then you can also check it in your personal account. To do this, you need to register on the Stoloto website with the same phone number. After registration, the ticket will appear in your personal account in the “My tickets” section. You will see the results after, how will the draw go?.

Check ticket from supermarket

Ticket via SMS Ticket, purchased via SMS, will be displayed in your personal account on the website and in the mobile application. If you are not yet registered on, just register and provide the same phone number. After registration, all purchased tickets will be displayed in your personal account..

I bought a paper ticket

Lottery kiosks sell paper tickets with the lottery draw number., in which he participates, and the date of the draw. Such a ticket can be checked on the website or in the Stoloto mobile application.. To do this, go to the “Check ticket” section.:

If you are unable to check your ticket, make sure, What: 1. You have entered the circulation number correctly, which is indicated on the ticket. 2. The circulation had already taken place at the time of verification (the draw date is indicated on the ticket). 3. The lottery name is chosen correctly.

Check on the draw: don't miss your winnings

After the end of the circulation, to find out, whether you won or not, There are several simple and effective ways. find out, how to check your ticket for the draw and don’t miss your winnings!

1. Online check: on the official lottery website you can enter your ticket number and find out the results of the drawing. This method is the fastest and most convenient - you do not need to leave home and waste time traveling to the lottery point.

2. SMS verification: many lotteries offer a ticket verification service via SMS. Send an SMS with your ticket number to the specified number, and you will receive the results of the draw in a reply message. This method is convenient, if you don't have internet access.

3. Check at the terminal: if you have the opportunity to visit a lottery point or cash desk, you can use the terminal to check tickets. Insert the ticket into the terminal and wait for the result. This method is reliable and allows you to get results directly on site.

Don't forget about the timing for checking your winnings - they are usually limited and indicated on the ticket and on the official lottery website. Keep your ticket safe and don't miss out on your winnings! Good luck!

Раздел 2: Checking the ticket using the circulation table

The circulation table is a special table, which contains the ticket numbers, who won in a specific draw. For example, if you want to check the ticket number 1115, вам нужно найти этот номер в таблице и узнать, выиграл ли билет или нет.

Чтобы проверить билет в русском лото, найдите нужную тиражную таблицу по номеру тиража. For example, если вы играли в тираж 1111, find the table for this circulation. Then find your ticket number in the table. If you found your number in the table, it means you won the lottery!

Step 4: Find the table with the results of draw No. 27

In order to check a ticket using the Russian lotto number 1111, you need to find the corresponding table with the results of draw No. 27.

The table will indicate the winning numbers and prize combinations for this draw. To check a ticket with a number 1115 you need to find this number in the table and check the corresponding combination in the row of winning numbers.

Winning number Prize combination
1111 Check
1115 Check

Thus, to check the ticket number 1115 according to the Russian lotto table, you need to find this number in the table of results of draw No. 27 and check the corresponding combination in the table.

Step 5: Check the ticket number in the table

To find out, did you win the lotto, you need to check your ticket number in the circulation table. The table can be found on the official website of the Russian lotto or from the lottery ticket seller.

1. Take your ticket and find the circulation number on it. It is usually shown above the barcode on the back of the ticket. For example, The circulation number may be “1115”.

2. Open the circulation table, corresponding to the circulation number of your ticket. The table consists of rows and columns with numbers.

3. Find your ticket number in the table. Your ticket number consists of four digits. For example, if your ticket number is “1111”, find the cell, where the line with the circulation number “1115” and the column with your ticket number “1111” intersect.

4. Check the result in the cell, where the circulation number and ticket number intersect. If there are winning numbers in this cell, it means, what did you win.

note, that the table may contain different types of prizes for different ticket numbers. Don't forget to also check all possible winning combinations and additional prizes

Step 6: Find out the results and winnings

After that, how did you check your ticket against the circulation table and make sure, that there are no matches with the winning numbers, you can find out the results of the Russian lotto. To do this you will need a circulation number, which can be found on the ticket, For example, 1115 or 1111.

There are several ways to find out the results:

  1. Check the results on the official website of the Russian Lotto lottery. On the website you need to select the circulation you are interested in and enter your ticket number. The system will check, are there any winning combinations on your ticket and will show the size of the possible winnings. Besides, On the website you can find information about prize funds, draw tables and other game details.
  2. Watch the results in a special TV broadcast. Draws are held weekly on the official lottery TV channel, the results of which can be found out directly during the broadcast.
  3. Buy the edition of the magazine “Russian Lotto”. The magazine publishes the results of all circulations, so you can check your ticket, by comparing the numbers on it with a list of winning combinations.

Do not forget, that prizes and winnings may vary depending on the number of numbers matched and other game conditions. That's why, even if your ticket did not win the main prize, it can bring you extra winnings.

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